
Click for download IPTS 2024 E-Book


Dear Colleagues,

IPTS 2024 will be the 21st International Pharmaceutical Technology Symposium in a series of scientific symposia held every two years organized by Hacettepe University Faculty of Pharmacy Department of Pharmaceutical Technology. Since more than 40 years, IPTS has become a tradition bringing together academia, industry, regulatory authorities, and postgraduate students to discuss and collaborate on latest issues and hot topics in the fields of drug delivery, formulation development, manufacturing and regulatory sciences concerning pharmaceuticals as well as medical devices and cosmeceuticals. We are proud to keep the series of this highly prestigious event this year in our hometown in Ankara. IPTS-2024 will be held on 9-11 September 2024 at the Divan Hotel Convention Center in Ankara city center where our department is also located. IPTS will comprise of a 3-day scientific programme with plenary lectures, scientific and industrial sessions in parallel halls, short courses, and a lively social programme.

We have all experienced the COVID-19 pandemic globally and would like to take a new look at next generation pharmaceutics with innovative technologies, new and flexible manufacturing techniques and how pharmaceutical technology could answer these critical questions to improve access to medicines, drug bioavailability and regulation of innovative therapeutic technologies in the light of our experiences regarding drug shortages, vaccines, and new therapeutics. The main theme of the 21st IPTS will be "Next Generation Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms: The Future of Healthcare". In this context, comprehensive program is being prepared consisting of scientific sessions focusing on Innovative drug delivery systems in 2024, mRNA and DNA vaccines, developments in monoclonal antibody products, artificial intelligence and simulations in drug design, 3D printing for the future of pharmaceutics, advanced drug delivery systems in the fight against infectious diseases, complex in vitro designs as an alternative to in-vivo animal experiments, adaptation of drug delivery systems to precision and personalized medicine. The industrial sessions will be dedicated to Complex Generics and will be covering regulation requirements of complex drugs (biological drugs, topicals, inhalation products, non-biological drugs), Patent protection in complex drugs and its impact on domestic production, ending with a Panel Discussion evaluating post-pandemic status of the Pharma sector with the participation of industry representatives from multinational and generic companies and research based SMEs, regulatory authorities for marketing approval and pricing, clinicians and academics.

We sincerely hope that you will be able to come to Ankara to join us at the IPTS 2024 and enjoy a strong scientific programme, social activities, and the capital city of Turkiye in its best season. Plenary and invited lecturers, short oral presentations from selected abstracts and poster presentations will help this meeting succeed. Traditional IPTS Awards will also be given to Best M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses, best Oral Presentation and Best Poster Presentation selected by independent juries. Further information will be available at our website www.ipts-hacettepe.org for your information.

With our best regards on behalf of the IPTS Organizing Committee,

Yours Sincerely,

Prof. Erem Bilensoy
IPTS 2024 Chair
Head of Department of Pharmaceutical Technology


Organizing Committee


Erem Bilensoy


Levent Öner
Sema Çalış
Sevda Şenel
Selma Şahin
İmran Vural
Betül Arıca
R. Neslihan Gürsoy
Sibel Pehlivan
Hakan Eroğlu
Tuğba Gülsün İnal
Kıvılcım Seyhun
Nazlı Erdoğdu
Yağmur Akdağ Çaylı
Selin Seda Timur
Eren Aytekin
Selin Parmaksız

Scientific Committee

Saghir Akhtar (Qatar)
Leslie Z. Benet (United States)
Simon Benita (Israel)
Erem Bilensoy (FIP)
Henning Blume (Germany)
Maria J. Blanco-Prieto (EUFEPS)
Gerrit Borchard (Switzerland)
Carla Caramella (Italy)
Roberta Cavalli (TEFARCO INNOVA)
Sema Çalış (Turkey)
Yılmaz Çapan (Turkey)
Anna Maria Fadda (ADRITELF)
Elias Fattal (APGI)
Hamid Ghandehari (United States)
Achim Goepferich (Germany)
A. Atilla Hıncal (Turkey)
Anthony Hickey (United States)
Süeda Hekimoğlu (Turkey)
Juan M. Irache (Spain)
H. Süheyla Kaş (Turkey)
Mansoor Khan (United States)
Uday Kompella (United States)
Claus-Michael Lehr (Germany)
Jean Christophe Leroux (Switzerland)
Thorsteinn Loftsson (Iceland)
Karsten Maeder (Germany)
S. Moein Moghimi (United Kingdom)
A. Filiz Öner (Turkey)
A. Yekta Özer (Turkey)
Yvonne Perrie (United Kingdom)
Tom Sam (The Netherlands)
Peter Swaan (United States)
Gary Walsh (Ireland)
Clive Wilson (United Kingdom)

Scientific Secretariat Team

Scientific Secretary

Kıvılcım Seyhun

Team Members

Yağmur Akdağ Çaylı
Selin Seda Timur
Selin Parmaksız
Cem Varan

Currently Confirmed Speakers

Confirmed speakers and tentative lecture titles include;

Plenary Speakers


Invited Speakers


Please click here to download IPTS programme PDF.






Abstracts & Awards

Guidelines for Abstracts

  • Abstracts should only be submitted online.
  • All abstracts must be submitted in English.
  • The presenting author must register to the symposium.
  • Only the abstracts of registered presenting authors will be included in the program and book of abstracts.
  • Abstract content is limited to 3.000 characters excluding the title of the abstract.
  • In addition to abstract content, 2 tables and 2 figures can be added.


Abstract Deadline

Abstracts must be submitted online by the Symposium Submission System not later than August 11, 2024.

Abstract Content

The following sections MUST be in the abstract:

  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Acknowledgment
  • The use of graphs, tables, equations and line drawings is strongly recommended. Invited or plenary speakers need not to follow the above outline; however they MUST submit an abstract.

How to Submit Your Abstract

Only online submission to the to the Symposium Submission System is accepted.

How to Prepare Your Abstract

  • A template for preparation of abstracts is available here.
  • This template is only to illustrate the content. The system will guide you step by step when uploading your submission.
  • Oral presentations will be selected by International Scientific Committee among submitted abstracts according to the preference which is declared by authors.
  • The authors will be notified about the status of their abstracts after the finalization of peer-review process via e-mail.
  • Instructions for preparation of oral/poster presentations will be announced together with the letter of acceptance, which will be sent to the corresponding authors.
  • Please check the web site for updates of abstract submission details.

Best Oral Presentation Award

Best Oral Presentation Award will be given to one of the oral presentations after the scientific evaluation of the jury. The jury will be evaluating the abstract of the oral presentation as well as the presentation that will be done by the candidates. The candidates shall make a presentation in English (5 minutes presentation+ 2 minutes discussion), which is also going to be considered as a parameter for the scoring of the presentation by the jury members. The jury will be evaluating the presentation technique, scientific content and timing of the presentation. The results will be announced in the closing ceremony of IPTS 2024 and the winner will be awarded with a honorarium and free registration for 22st IPTS.

Best Poster Award

Best Poster Award will be given to one of the poster presentations after the scientific evaluation of the jury. This jury will be evaluating the candidate during the poster session and over the abstract which will be submitted by the authors. The results will be announced in the closing ceremony of IPTS 2024 and the winner will be awarded with a honorarium and free registration for 22stIPTS.

Best Ph.D. Thesis Awards

Best Ph.D. Thesis Awards are now opened for candidates registered to Ph.D. Programmes of Division of Pharmaceutical Technology under the Institute of Health Sciences of Universities in Republic of Turkey.

Thesis Submission Link

  • Best Ph.D. Thesis Award candidates will be evaluated if there are more than 5 applications.
  • The thesis must be completed by the own research of the scientist, must have an originality and have a contribution to science and applicability to technology.
  • Thesis that were awarded within the same year will not be qualified.
  • The candidates must submit pdf version of their thesis to the IPTS 2024 Symposium Submission System with the written consent of the thesis supervisor.
  • The awardees are honored with a honorarium and certificate in the Award Ceremony of IPTS 2024.
  • Deadline for application to the Best Ph.D. Thesis Awards is 1st August 2024.
  • Candidate thesis must be approved within the period of 24th February 2022 - 14th July 2024.

Contact Details

Prof. Erem Bilensoy
Chair of IPTS 2024 Hacettepe University
Faculty of Pharmacy
Dept. of Pharmaceutical Technology
06100 Ankara Turkey

Phone : +90.312 305 12 41



Registration Details & Cancellation policy

  Before July 26, 2024 After July 26, 2024
Student* € 175 € 225
Senior Academic € 250 € 350
Company Delegate € 400 € 500

Registration fee includes attendance to scientific sessions, industrial sessions, coffee breaks, lunches (according to the symposium program) and scientific documents.

Please contact official symposium agency DMR Congress Organization Services Tourism Inc. for your registration (ipts@dmrturizm.com.tr)

*B.Sc, M.Sc and Ph.D students must provide a valid student ID.

V.A.T. is not included.




Isbank Ankara Başkent Branch
DMR Turizm
TL Account        : 4398 – 0002347     IBAN: TR730006400000143980002347
Please note that, accommodation reservations will be confirmed by payment document.


Divan Ankara Otel

Divan Ankara Otel, which has been awarded as one of the best Hotels in the world TOP 100 by Conde Nast Traveler readers, is a boutique-style five star hotel located in Çankaya, an exclusive area which is also closed to the Governmental Establishments and many Embassies. Only a 45-minute drive from Esenboğa airport and five minutes from the city center and central business district, the deluxe hotel offers 150 guest rooms, luxury suites and 350m2 Presidential Suite . The Business Executive floors offer opulent rooms and suites and the Swiss Executive Club lounge provides additional luxury and exclusivity.

The restaurant, bar and gourmet deli serve everything from quick & refreshing snacks to elegant formal dining, with Swiss and Turkish specialties highlighting the international cuisine. A sumptuous breakfast buffet offers a wide range of choices to energize your day.

Private and secure hotel parking is also available for your vehicle during your stay.


Located in the Central Anatolian Region, Ankara is surrounded by Kırıkkale and Kırşehir at East, Çankırı at North, Bolu at the Northeast and Eskişehir at West, Konya and Aksaray at South. The average altitude above sea level of Ankara covering 26.897 kilometer square of land in a region dominated by plains formed by Kızılırmak and Sakarya Rivers, is 890 meters. While approaching towards north from the central parts of the city, you will see where the across North Anatolian mountain chain rises. Plains which were formed due to wreckage area and foldings between the mountains chains are located at the North East while there are Tuz Gölü (Salt Lake) basin and planes at the South part of Ankara Plain lying on the East-West direction. There are Mogan, Eymir, Karagöl, Kurumcu and Samsam natural lakes within the city borders. In addition to these, there are artificial lakes at the water basins of the dams of Çamlıdere, Kesikköprü, Kurtboğazı and Sarıyar having same name with them.

Ankara -From Yesterday To Today

Excavations carried out in and around Ankara revealed that the early settlement in the region goes back to prehistoric ages. Ahlatlıbel, Koçumbeli, Etiyokuşu, Karaoğlan which are among the settlements of Bronz Age dated 3000 B.C. have the power to display the characteristics of the Central Anatolian culture. The Ankuwa city which is frequently mentioned in the Hittite works was probably located at today’s Ankara. The first foundation of Ankara as a city took place during the Phrygian Era. Gordion, the capital city of Phrygia is one of the most important ancient sites of the Central Anatolia. According to the legends, great Phrygian King Midas had founded the Ankara city. Phrygians named this place as “Ankyra” meaing “anchor.” Tombs in the region revealed that the importance of Phrygian settlement especially between 750-500 B.C. It is know that the city which was under the domination of Lydians and Persians after the collapse of Phrygia,was a minor trade center on the famous Royal Road which was built during the reign of Persian King Darius I (522-486 B.C.).After Gordion, King of Macedonia, Alexander the Great ( 336-323 B.C.) came to this place in 333 B.C. and ended the Persian domination in the Anatolia. It is known that Tetosags, a tribe of Galatians who came to the Anatolia from Europe between 278-277 B.C. made Ankara their capital city. Roman Empire Augustus defeated Galatians in the 25 B.C. from Galatians, joined the region to the Roman Empire and declared the city as the capital of Galatian province. Ankara in the 1st and 2nd century A.C. became a very imporant junction in the Roman road network in the Anatolia and was a developed city in terms of administrative and military functions.When in 395 B.C. the Roman Empire was divided into two, Ankara region remained under the rule of Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine) and preserved.

Ankara which became the symbol of National Struggle as being the administrative center of the War of Independence after 1920, became the capital city of Turkish Republic on October 13, 1923. Central districts of Ankara are:Akyurt, Altındağ, Çankaya, Çubuk, Elmadağ, Etimesgut, Gölbaşı,Keçiören,Mamak,Sincan,Pursaklar and Yenimahalle. Its rural districts are Ayaş, Bala, Beypazarı, Çamlıdere, Evren, Güdül, Haymana, Kalecik, Kazan, Kızılcahamam, Nallıhan, Polatlı and Şereflikoçhisar.its importance during this period and decorated with a number of new buildings. Seljuk Turks who started to enter the Anatolion soil at the end of the 11st century, captured the city in 1073 and ended Byzantine dominance. Starting from this date until Ottomans founded the political unity in the Anatolia, the city lived different periods under the dominance of Turkmen Beyliks, Byzantine and Moguls. Ankara which gained trade function as one of the Ahi centers after 1300, remained as an important trade center during the Ottoman Empire period.

Historical and Cultural Values

Anıtkabir: Founder of Turkish Republic, the Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk has reached eternity on 10th of November 1938. The Presidential elections were held on the 11th of November and following the election of İsmet İnönü as the new President, the burial procedures for Atatürk’s funeral began. Atatürk's casket was taken out the Dolmabahçe Palace on November 19 placed on a horse-drawn caisson and brought in Sarayburnu. His casket taken to Zaffer torpedo boat and forwarded it to the battlecruiser Yavuz. The battlecruiser was escorted by Hamidiye, Zafer, Tınaztepe cruisers and 2 submarine boats as well as Savarona and foreign vessels. Yavuz battlecruiser then landed to İzmit Mine Dock and Atatürk's casket was then transfered to the İzmit Train Station.The casket was taken into White Train which was used by Atatürk during his country visits when he was alive and which is currently preserved at the Ankara Train Station Building and brought to Ankara Train Station. Atatürk's casket was brought on a caisson which is currently on display at the Peace Tower of Anıtkabir, to the building of 1st Turkish Grand National Assembly and then to the Etnography Museum with a state ceremony. His casket was buried in a speical place reserved for his body in the museum on November 21, 1938. His body stayed there for 15 years while monumental mausoleum for Atatürk at the topmost hill in Ankara, Rasattepe was constructed as the symbol of Turkish Nation’s loyalty based on the idea that “A monumental mauseleum would be very beautiful in this place.” Anıtkabir is made up of Monumental blog and the Peace Park. Peace Park formed by 48.500 various kinds of plants and trees sent from different parts of our country and various different countries of the World is a symbolic League of Nations, displaying the principle of “Peace at home, Peace in the World.” When entered from the Tandoğan Gate, you would see 24 lion sculptures representing the 24 Oghuz Tribes at both sides of the road through Peace Park leading to the monumental mauseleum. The monumental mauseleum construced on a rectengular plan is surrounded with columns at four sides and there are Atatürk’s “Address to the Turkish Youth” and his speech on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Republic known as the “Great Speech” written on the walls with golden letters. Surface and walls of the Hall of Honor is covered with colorful marbles. Its flat ceiling is decorated with mosaics inspired by the carpets and rugs of 16th and 17th century.

Atatürk’s symbolic tomb made up from a single piece red marble is plain. His corpse is buried in a special Tomb Room below the Hall of Honor. There are 10 towers having different symbolic meanings namely Independence, Freedom, Mehmetçik, Victory, Peace, April 23, National Pact (Misak-i Milli), Reforms, Republic and Preservation of Rights inside the Anıtkabir placed symmetrically starting from the entrance. Inside the pyramid roofs built on the rectangular plan, geometric ornamentation inspired by traditional Turkish carpet (kilim) patterns and motifs, can be found on the towers' ceilings in fresco technique.Reliefs displaying figures about the name of the tower and sayings of Atatürk, can be seen at the interior walls. Tomb of the Second President of Turkey, İsmet İnönü is placed in between the Victory and Peace Towers. The museum which is entered from the National Pact Tower located at the left of Monumental block when viewed from the Ceremony Ground was opened on June 21 1960 under the name of the Anıtkabir Atatürk Museum. Within the framework of a project prepared by the Commandership of Anıtkabir in 2001, approximately 3.000 square meter long columned area under the Hall of Honor at the mauseleum is included to the museum. The museum’s display areas reached to 5.200 square meters with the framework of the project. The museum together with the new edition completed on August 26, 2002 was opened with a state ceremony. Starting from this date, the museum is called as the Atatürk and the War of Indepedence Museum.

At the first section of the museum made up of four sections, personal belongings of Atatürk, gifts from foreign statesmen and belongings of Atatürk donated by his adopted children namely Afet İnan, Rukiye Erkin and Turkey’s first female pilot Sabiha Gökçen can be seen. The second section of the museum is decorated with oil paintings of epic the War of Gallipoli, the Battle of Sakarya and the Great Offensive. This section aims at displaying the hardships experienced for the foundation of the Turkish Republic. The third section includes gallaries explaining the War of Independence and reforms as well as Atatürk’s Tomb Room. This section explains the events that took place between 1919-1938 in Turkish and in English. The last section plays host to the Special Library of Atatürk including 3123 books belonging to Atatürk. There is also a computer section in this section which includes documentations about the construction of Anıtkabir, the life of Atatürk and ceremonies took place in Anıtkabir.

The Ankara Castle: Date of construction of the Ankara Castle which is located on a hill dominating Ankara and which became the symbol of the city in time is not certain. The castle which was known to be existed in the 2nd Century B.C. during the Galatian Period was restored during the Roman Period. Interior ramparts of the castle made up of two parts namely interior and exterior castles was most probably constructed by Byzantines in the 7th Century. Ramparts of the castle which was seriously damaged during the Arab invasion was repaired again by the Byzantines. Construction date of the exterior rampart was not clear. It was captured by the Seljuks in 1073 and the castle went through several different repairs during the Ottoman Period, reinforced by restoration in the last recent years. There are 20 rectangular towers at the exterior castle and it has two doors namely the “Exterior Castle Gate” at West and the “Fort Gate” at South. There is a scripture in Persian Language belonging to Ilkhanid Period dated 1330 on the Fort Gate. The interior castle which is rectangular in shape is made up of Ankara stone and mixed materials. The interior castle consists of 42 pentagonal towers whose heights vary between 14–16meters. Ankara Houses inside the castle that remained from the 17th century Ottoman Period and Alaeddin Mosque are still standing.


Ankara which is generally under the influence of continental climate has cold and rainy winters and hot and dry summers. Climate changes can be seen in the large area of the city. Steppe climate which is the distinct characteristics of the Central Anatolia climate can be seen at the South parts of the city while temperate and rainy characteristics of the Black Sea region can be observed at the North.

Monthly average temperatures in Ankara: Average temperature in September in Ankara: 19 °C.


Transportation opportunity to every city in the country is possible from the intercity bus terminal (AŞTİ) which is located at the center of highway networks. It is possible to travel between Ankara İstanbul, Ankara-İzmir, Ankara-Balıkesir, Ankara-Isparta-Burdur, Ankara-Zonguldak, Ankara-Adana, Ankara-Elazığ-Diyarbakır by train. Airline transportation is available at the international Ankara Esenboğa Airport located 28 kilometers away from the city center, giving domestic and foreign flight services. There are modern and techniqually equiped terminal buildings, 4336 vehicle capacity parking lot, food court, shops, banks, rent-a-car, taxi and bus services at the domestic and international flights sections of the International Ankara Esenboğa Airport. Transportation between the Ankara city center and the Esenboğa Airport is carried out by special Ankara Air.

Useful Information


Turkish is the official language, but English is widely understood in the main tourist areas.

Conference Language

The official language of the Conference is English.

Currency & Credit Cards

The Turkish Lira is the currency of Turkey. Minor Unit: 1/100 = kuruş. Banks and bank machines (automatic tellers) can be found throughout the city. Regular banking hours are 08:30 – 17:00, Monday to Friday. Most banks have automatic teller machines (ATM), which can be accessed 24 hours a day. Currency Exchange Offices (Döviz Bürosu) are found in tourist, market and commercial areas.

Traveller’s Cheques and Eurocheques can be cashed at the local banks which are open between 8:30 and 17:00 hrs. The major credit cards (such as Visa, MasterCard) are accepted in most Turkish restaurants and shops. You can use your major credit card to pay for most purchases: hotel rooms, rental cars, airline tickets and the more substantial souvenirs. The most popular card is VISA, followed by MASTERCARD/ EUROCARD.

Automated Teller Machines (ATM)

Automated teller (cash) machines (cashpoints, bancomats) are everywhere in Turkish cities, airports, and even in most small towns. Choose your language: Turkish or English for sure, and sometimes French and German. Just push a button to get screen prompts in your language.


The international country dialing code for Turkey is +90. The outgoing code is 00, followed by the relevant country code (e.g. 0044 for the United Kingdom). Mobile phones work in most of the country; the network operators use GSM networks, which will not be compatible with many US cell phones. Internet cafes are available in the main towns and resorts.

Safety / Security

Ankara remains a destination with no increased risk when compared with other major destinations in the world. In addition, strict security measures are put in place by the competent authorities in the city during major congresses and events.


220 volt, 50 cycle. Most hotels have a receptacle with 110 volts. Socket type is European standards.

Local Time

GMT + 2

Passport & Visa

To enter Turkey, you are required to have a passport that is valid for at least six months from the date you travel to Turkey. In addition, nationals from some countries require a visa to enter Turkey. Depending on your country of origin, you may purchase a visa stamp at the point of entry, or you must apply for the visa before arriving in Turkey. For information on whether you require a visa to enter Turkey, visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.

Please also note that visa stamps purchased at the airport are payable in cash only (TL / USD / EUR). Traveler’s checks and credit cards are not accepted.

If you need to apply for a visa before your arrival, INVITATION LETTERS can be sent to you by email as a PDF file. The letters invite your participation in the conference and in order to get it, you should either have an accepted paper or complete your registration payment. Please send your invitation letter requests to eda.bektore@dmrturizm.com.tr

Previous Symposia



Prof. Erem Bilensoy
Hacettepe University
Faculty of Pharmacy
Dept. of Pharmaceutical Technology
06100 Ankara Turkey

Phone : +90.312 305 12 41

Scientific Secretariat
Assoc. Prof. Kıvılcım Seyhun
Hacettepe University
Faculty of Pharmacy
Dept. of Pharmaceutical Technology
06100 Ankara Turkey

Phone : +90.312 305 12 41

Official Symposium Agency
DMR Turizm
DMR Congress Organization Services Tourism Inc.
Hilal Mah. Hollanda Cad. 696. Sokak
No: 22 / 9-10 Yıldız - Çankaya
Phone : +90.312 442 01 50
